Wednesday, July 12, 2006

To Montana... and Beyond!

current location: Whitehall, MT
total mileage: 2735
servings of ice cream consumed: 119
% of riding days during which I've cried: 32%
# of types of identifiable roadkill: 26
state #: 8

Welp, here I am in Whitehall, Montana. We made it through the Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, crossed the Continental Divide many more times, and rode in awe of the beauty that captured our attention. I have come to love climbing the mountains on my wheel, which is a huge "step" for me, because I used to detest them even on a bike when I had a 50-mph reward waiting for me on the other side. Although, in the more buggy areas, since I often go slowly uphill, I find myself swarmed with flies and mosquitos, much like a sloth grows a bit of moss as it moves so slowly. The mosquitos also found out how tasty my spandex-clad rear end is. It's not a very convenient thing to have itchy mosquito bites on your behind when spending time in public. Riding through the national parks, I felt like a moose constantly getting tourists pulling over and taking my picture, often accumulating crowds. So whether I'm a sloth or a moose, I'm still riding high from the "I like your tan!" comment I received from a woman with a dark complexion... more like tan LINES. The past couple of days, I've enjoyed riding with the Habitat for Humanity Bicycle Challenge (northern route) group. They're a fun lot. Until next time, here's a picture with the Grand Tetons in the background.

Carpe Diem.


Anonymous said...

In that picture, it looks like you're power-walking like we used to do for fun. :) Enjoy the homestretch! We're missing, praying for, and thinking of you often.

Anonymous said...

Wow - look at those leg muscles! Pretty impressive! I'm glad you had a chance to write - I check every day, hoping to have a new entry. Thanks again for all you are doing!

LLS - Cary, NC

Anonymous said...

Your Frame is like glowing in that picture.
Good Luck


Anonymous said...

Hey, Gracie,

It was terrific to meet you at the top of Togwotee Pass on July 7th. I wrote the article I promised I would and distributed it to the media for hopeful publication - and maybe in some cycling magazines. I'll keep you posted and send the articles if the publish. In the meantime, you, your family and friends can check it out on our Web site:

Just copy and paste or type in the address if the link doesn't work. Enjoy the rest of your journey

Sheri Howe
Wyoming Department of Transportation
Dubois, Wyoming

Doug Roberts said...

Hi, Gracie!

Here are a couple of pictures that I took of you not far from Saratoga, WY on 7/3/2006:

Nice to have met you!

--Doug Roberts

Anonymous said...

Gracie: What a gorgeous picture! Of course you and the mountains. Thanks for the inspiration and say hi to Dale for me.

Anonymous said...

We at DDS are watching your progress with amazement and awe! Thanks for posting your progress, and including pics of you (and your Dad too, it's nice to know he is doing well!)

Friends in Sacramento

Anonymous said...

go Gracie go!!!!!